Concept of rural development in nigeria pdf

History of sustainable development and its significance to rural development. We then discuss contexts in which spatial constraints make a sectoral agricultural development entry point necessary. The billions of dollars, which the three tiers of government and international agencies budget for the development of rural areas are often frittered away. Rural development in subsaharan africa policy perspectives for agriculture, sustainable resource management and poverty reduction bulletin 370 royal tropical institute kit amsterdam kit development, policy and practice. Rural development in nigeria since independence responded actively to rapid urban expansion and ruralurban migration. Integrated rural development has been defined as a consciously. Rural development can be understood as the unfolding of capitalism in rural areas, and as that package of policy and project interventions that aim to foster socioeconomic change and human improvement in rural areas. While nigeria has made some progress in socioeconomic terms in recent years, its human capital development remains weak due to underinvestment and the country ranked 152 of 157 countries in the world bank s 2018 human capital index. Meaning and concept although policy makers and the development community have widely used the phrase rural development, what constitutes rural development seems to. The challenges of agriculture and rural development in. It is imperative that we understand the concept of national development in the course of this study. Rural settlement in nigeria, which manifests the cultural. One recent attempt to redefine the concept of local government in nigeria was the popular slogan to make local government developmentoriented or to bring government closer to the people. Agricultural development is a part of rural development.

The major population of africa was largely rural until recently, when rapid urban and industrial growth negated the corresponding growth of rural areas. Rural development meaning, definition and concepts 1. Frequently, the concept of rural development is used confusedly with agricultural development or regional development, however these concepts differ as described in box 1. Planning for rural development in nigeria oxford academic. Today, infrastructure development has become a muchdebated topic since scholars from. These slogans were coined during the early phase of the military rule in nigeria, when. The second examines the background history of nongovernmental organisations and the emergence of nongovernmental organization in the development process. An overview development issues occupy an important position in the minds of scholars, policy makers and development experts especially as it affects third world societies. Prospects for achieving sustainable development through. Poverty in nigeria is concentrated in rural areas, which are home to more than 70% of the nations poor. The role of local government in rural development issues jide ibietan abstract the central aim or focus of this paper is to highlight the role of local government being the closest tier of government to the grassroots in rural development. Rural development concept and dimensions the effort to define rural is not new. Sep 28, 2016 rural development meaning, definition and concepts 1.

Csd1617 rural development csd1617 national report israel 49 2. Some writing on rural development thus addresses general issues of agrarian change, peasant economy, and rural politics. Meaning and concept although policy makers and the development community have widely used the phrase rural development, what constitutes rural development seems to have changed significantly overtimes. Abstract the crux of this paper is to examine rural development programme implementation in developing countries with china and india as case studies. Caroline ashley, stephen devereux, andrew dorward, frank ellis, john farrington.

No wonder then that the concept of development has been subjected to several meanings and interpretations. There is however no universally acceptable definition of rural development, and the term is used in different ways and in vastly divergent context. The impact of infrastructure development on rural communities. It emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in the development of rural areas in nigeria. Achieving sustainable development and promoting development cooperation dialogues at the ecosoc iii desa the department of economic and social affairs of the united nations secretariat is. A healthy and dynamic agricultural sector is an important foundation of rural development, generating strong linkages to other economic sectors. The development space between urban and rural areas in nigeria is very broad in terms of the provision of economic development. According to agarwal 1989 rural development is a strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of rural poor.

The decades since the end of world war two have witnessed an unrivalled drive for economic and social development by the majority of the worlds nations. They are development, rural areas, and rural or community development. Poverty in rural south africa 5 a the causes of poverty mapping the institutional landscape i winners and losers in the transition from apartheid ii agrarian restructuring, rural development and land reform 5 5 8 b north west province 9 c madibogo i differentiation and poverty ii how poor people respond to poverty 11 12 14 4. Although the origins of sustainable development sd can be traced to the seventies, is in the world commission on environment and development in 1987 wced or. Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic wellbeing of people living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Extension education unn 1985 unpublished all the above combine to the better conditions of the rural area. Furthermore, the country continues to face massive developmental challenges, which. The bedrock of agriculture and agricultural development in developing countries of subsaharan africa is rural development, without which all efforts at agricultural development will be futile. Nigeria overview international development, poverty. Extension education unn 1985 unpublished all the above combine to the better conditions of the rural. Rural development in subsaharan africa policy perspectives for agriculture, sustainable resource. The paper posits that the nigerian political arrangement.

National development plan of nigeria commonwealth governance. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper include, concept of rural development, approaches to rural development, problems experienced by rural individuals, programs. Mediumterm development plans and national rolling plans were also developed and implemented with mixed results. The unit then moves on to look at how mainstream approaches to rural development have evolved over time, beginning with the green revolution, integrated rural development and. Rural development in nigeria since independence legit. Emerging issues in rural development an issues paper simon maxwell, ian urey and caroline ashley overseas development institute london january 2001. Even if citytypes settlements existed in the north yoruba in the past, an actual city like settlements was created along the coast as a response to retail trades with europe. Sustainable rural livelihoods a framework for analysis ids working paper 72 ian scoones summary the concept of sustainable livelihoods is increasingly important in the development debate.

The creation of the state joint local government account system sjlgas by section 162 of the 1999 federal constitution of nigeria was meant to facilitate rural development of the local communities through effective supervision of the distribution and efficient management of revenue accruing to the local government councils from the federation account. In section 4, after defining the concepts of development and development paradigms, some key ingredients of recent past and prevailing development recipes are identified. This paper lays out an argument on rural development. Sustainable development approaches for rural development and poverty alleviation. Nchuchuwe, friday francis department of public administration, faculty of management sciences, lagos state university. Development theory, cluster of research and theories on economic and political development. To define rural development, rural education or rural infrastructure, it is necessary to define rural first. The meaning of rural development has also evolved over time in line with current realities. The following key concept will be defined in this work. Development indicators for rural areas lag behind those for urban areas. Adult education and community development programmes as vital. Rural development is viewed as that development that is beneficial to the rural populations, according to olayide et al.

Agricultural production and economic growth in nigeria. Rural development sustainable development knowledge. Gender issues in agriculture and rural development in. Unit information 1 unit overview 1 unit aims 1 unit learning outcomes 1 key readings 2 further readings 5 references 6 multimedia 8 1. Rural development programme implementationin developing countries. The concept and process of rural development in nigeria.

Then we discuss the role of agriculture in development, rural development and poverty reduction. Next, we explore the link between poverty and rurality. Read this article to learn about the meaning, objectives and strategies of rural development in india. The term rural development is of focal interest and is widely acclaimed in both the developed and the developing countries of the world. Since the world war, development has been synonymous with economic, social, and political change. The use of the term development to refer to national economic growth emerged in the united states beginning in the 1940s and in association with a key american foreign policy concern. Origin and evolution of rural development concept and policies. By 1akintoye victor adejumo and 2opeyemi oluwabunmi adejumo abstract in recent time, the concept of sustainable development cannot be overemphasized.

Federal republic of nigeria implementation of the sdgs. A large majority of the farmers operate at the subsistence, smallholder level, with intensive agriculture being uncommon. Rural development in nigeria since independence responded actively to rapid urban expansion and rural urban migration. Development theory economics and political science. As a concept, it can notes overall development of rural. Adult education and community development compliments each other in the bid to ameliorate and alleviate the living conditions of people. Fmard federal ministry of agriculture and rural development gaji gender advocacy for justice gdp gross domestic product geep government enterprise and empowerment. Problem and prospect of rural development in nigeria. Although rural areas in nigeria habour over eighty percent of the national population, they can only boast of about ten percent of the infrastructure and other indices of development. A bulk of the nigerian wealth is derived form agriculture, and oil which lie in abundant quantity in rural communities. Assessment of rural development strategy in nigeria iosr journal.

Doc the concept of development patrick brobbey academia. Nchuchuwe, friday francis department of public administration, faculty of management sciences, lagos state university, ojo, lagos state, nigeria adejuwon, kehinde david department of public administration, faculty of management sciences, lagos state university. The challenges of agriculture and rural development in africa. Impact of women in community development in nigeria. For example, targeting of assistance programs for education, access to medical services, poverty alleviation, and broadband expansion depends on the status of these services in an area. Targeting of development programs and allocation of and eligibility of funds from the programs and depends on how rural areas are classified. Bogoro 2009 defined rural areas in nigeria as centers of deprivation where life is. This paper outlines a framework for analysing sustainable livelihoods, defined here in relation to five key indicators. The work already done by others may be found in journals, newspapers, books, and records relating to the study in question. The most critical reason for the creation of local governments in nigeria is grassroots development otherwise known as rural development, which embraces a host of economic, social and political activities aimed at improving the standard and living conditions of the rural dwellers. Traditionally, nigeria was a dominantly rural country. Through the millennium development goals in nigeria.

In sections 5 to 9, the mutual links among them are explored through selected contributions from available literature which focus on development issues. The paper is a critical examination of rural development programmes and the challenge of rural underdevelopment in nigeria. Strategies to deal with rural development should take into consideration the remoteness and potentials in rural areas and provide targeted differentiated approaches. According to the world bank 2000, rural development. The unit then moves on to look at how mainstream approaches to rural development have evolved over time, beginning with the green revolution, integrated rural development and basic needs, before. Rural development the concept of rural development rural is an area, where the people are engaged in primary industry in the sense that they produce things directly for the first time in cooperation with nature as stated by srivastava. Because of the need for the understanding of the meaning of national development, it becomes a necessity that we ask the first question.

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